A/B fader source switching with Element

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A/B fader source switching with Element

Post by clarknovak »

One feature worth knowing about - and it seems little-known - is an intuitive A/B(/or more) selection method for any channel source change on an Element console.

The usual way to select a source (other than the Profile's assignment) is to push the "Options" knob, then select "Source", then highlight the desired source from an allowed list, and push the knob again. A total of Push, Twist, Push, Twist, Push. Sounds harder than it is. IF you do it a few times you get down to under 4 or 5 seconds - and you have access to every source approved for that fader.

Customer requests some years ago prompted us to make another method. If you want A/B or A/B/C (or more) selection, you just configure sources such that only the ones you expect to choose are available on a given fader. Then, to change the source on a given fader, the operator presses the "Options" knob and while holding it, presses the OFF button. The source selection will scroll through the other available sources. It's really quick and easy, especially if you keep the list short. You don't even have to refer to the video monitor at all; just look at the channel label and let go when your desired source is displayed.

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