Pathfinder v4.0 is out now

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Pathfinder v4.0 is out now

Post by clarknovak »

PPC users, go get the new v4.0 upgrade from . Lots of cool new goodies and expanded features:

* Increased speed and scalability.
* An enhanced "Stacking Events" editor.
* Full control of Element VMIX (Virtual Mixer) functionality.
* Prophet Systems delivery system integration with ACU Translator.
* New routing pop-up displays with complete host and Axia channel number information.
* Expanded support for constructing PathfinderPC "clusters" for automatic backup. New bridge applications help serial port controllers work with redundant servers.
* Detailed, fully customizable system event logging.
* Panel Designer GUI with full hardware mapping support to create custom virtual "button panels".
* Create and upload custom graphics for use with Axia LCD control panels.
* Support for routing and translating of serial, TCP and UDP ports.

Go get it!

Posts: 6
Joined: Tue Sep 11, 2007 12:49 pm

V4 upgrade price

Post by XR6 »

Is the upgrade to Version 4.0 free or is there a charge? If so what is that charge?



Post by clarknovak »

The upgrade is free for all registered Pathfinder users.

Posts: 6
Joined: Tue Sep 11, 2007 12:49 pm

Upgrade Proceedure

Post by XR6 »

I am considering doing the Server upgrade to V4. Having had some software upgrades go bad I am a little nervous.

What is involved in this process? Is it relatively simple? Does the upgrade pick up existing Stacking events, Standard Events, Email settings etc (ie the current configuration)?

What steps should I take to cover myself should the upgrade install prove to be a problem?

Thank you

Axia Team
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Joined: Wed Sep 05, 2007 7:45 am
Location: Cleveland

Post by DanBays »

This is a superb question. The good news is that the upgrade procedure does not delete any of the stack events, router databases, events databases, etc. Also the procedure is simple and I have not had a single client lose their information yet by doing an upgrade. Having said that I have been around computers too long to be trusting, and so I always recommend making a backup before doing the upgrade. Luckily backing up your Pathfinder Server configuration is also very easy. Below are my recommended upgrade procedures.

1) Create a folder called backup with a folder inside it with today's date somewhere on your computer or on your network.
2) Browse to the C:\Program Files folder and make a copy of the PathfinderServer folder and paste it into the new dated folder you created in step 1. You now have a backup of your entire PathfinderServer configuration.
3) Shut down PathfinderPC Server if it is still running. You will need to select a time to do this when you can live without the server running for 10 minutes or so.
4) In the control panel open the Add/Remove programs. Select the PathfinderPC Server software and select remove. Then follow through the wizard to remove the program. This will not remove any of your databases, stack event, script, or panel files.
5) Double click the new installer and install the new version of the software.
6) Run the new version PathfinderPC Server and check on the splash screen as it starts to make sure it is the new updated version, and check to make sure all of your routers and events appear tp be present.

That's all there is to it. You can follow the same procedures to upgrade the PathfinderPC Client software, though the backup is less important since all of the real data files are stored under the server, unless you have some complex window placement buttons in the client.

If you have any questions or need someone to walk you through any parts of the process, feel free to contact support at
Dan Bays
Software Authority, Inc.
Commercial Recording Studios, Inc.

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