Protocol Translator under PathFinder

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Protocol Translator under PathFinder

Post by wgabel »

Dear Axia-Support-Team,

Today I will use the 'Axia Discussion Forum' to start to work on a problem using the 'Protocol Translator' of PF SRV. I guess this will also very helpful for other PF users.

We are using the 'Protocol Translator' of PathFinder to receive some commands from a third party application. This is working very nice, perfectly. 8)

The problem is the other way around. We want to send commands to the network, normally to a specific ip-address. That is I do not get to work. :?
My settings of the 'Protocol translator is simple:
Generic Protocol; TCP/IP TCP Connection Port 4040; to all Axia Livewire units (includes that computer ip address which has a Axia IP-Driver installed)

Will this work? I mean to SEND commands out of PF SRV? If yes, what did I wrong?

- Werner

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Post by AXIA_milos »


Some more details on what you have attempted to do would be helpful, but I will say that data can be sent both ways through a TCP connection. I am able to send a string of text from my pathfinder server to a PC that has a telnet connection to the server.

The "Send User Command" action available in StackEvents will send the string to the local Port setup in the Protocol translator. If your other PC has a connection to that port, the string will be available to that other PC.

If I understand correctly from your words, you wish to send a string to a unique IP address :4040 . This is not specifically the function of the Send User Command which use the protocol translator.

Perhaps some more details on what you are trying to accomplish would be helpful.

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Post by DanBays »

The first question is whether the remote computer can start the connection. Pathfinder Server acts as a server for TCP connections. So it is open and listening on a TCP port. But the remote machine/s have to connect to Pathfinder Server and not the other way around. Once the connection is established, stacking events can send and receive commands to/from any of the connected computers. Be careful to check the third party application's specific protocol to determine if the commands need to be terminated with carriage returns and/or linefeeds. If they do, the Pathfinder Manual lists how to add these characters to the stack event command using an escape sequence.

If you use UDP instead of TCP, you can send data out but only to a single computer per translator.

Also, please contact Axia support directly via phone or email for more assitance in this. We may have some other ways to accomplish your goal, but we would need to discuss the details to get a clearer picture of the project.

Dan Bays
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Post by wgabel »

Thank you all for the input on this.

No we want use tha same TCP/IP port (4040) to send and receive data. I talked to the software engineer guys of the third party developer. We tried a test using a telnet connection and port 4040. Thank you for this information. To this I have not thought. To open a new telnet connection on this port you can see all the commands you send and receive. This means the problem we have is not the PF. :lol:

Thank you guys,

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