Remote Telos TWO using PathFinder with Soft Panel

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Remote Telos TWO using PathFinder with Soft Panel

Post by wgabel »

Hi at all,
It's time to open a new topic. Furthermore it is a good chance to use the Axia Discussion Forum to get more input into my brain. 8)

I want to implement a soft panel in PathFinder which allow the talent to remote a Telos TWO hybrid via IP or serial. At the moment the connection (serial) between the hybrid and workstation (soft panel of PathFinder) is running well. Furthermore I create some buttons for 'CALL NUMBER' and 'DROP LINE' already. This stuff is running well; no problem at all.

My questions is how to allow the talent to dial any telephone number using the T-TWO and a soft panel of PF? I mean, sure, I need to create any 'Memory Value List' includes the number talent want to dial and use this number (Memory Value) together with the 'Protocol Translator' I created already.
Just to create the 'Memory Value/Memory list' is simple to do. I plan to create a soft panel with all the numeric keypad and pressing any of these button add the pressed number to the 'Memory list'.

But how can I use the 'Memory Value List' to get the T-TWO to dial out this stored number? I didn't find any solution to send the entry of the 'Memory Value List' to the T-TWO hybrid using any protocol translator. Any ideas?

Please let me know if you need any further details. I am not sure if I explain correctly. :roll:


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Post by AXIA_milos »

Memory values are intended for internal use and can not be used to insert into the protocol translator message (as of yet - I will suggest to development though).

What about having a button for each number and when pressed, sends that number through the protocol translator. After the number has been dialed, press another button (call button) that will send the carriage return and complete the command?

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Post by wgabel »

Thanks Milos for your fast reply.
First I was thinking the same way as you. Pressing a button for each number and send this to the protocol translator. After that finish the call to send \CR to the protocol translator as well. This will not work because it seems that the protocol translator sends \CR itself without using the \CR command. I use PF SRV v4.21, serial Protocol transalator from 'Software Authority Protocol'. For example; when I enter command 'isdncall 1 5' (without \CR command!!!) to protocoll translator the T-TWO will dial out immediately. It use line 1 and dial digit 5.

This is the reason why I can not doing this way. :(


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Post by DanBays »

Are you using a Software Authority Type protocol translator or a Generic translator? The Software Authority translator will send a carriage return and line feed automatically after each command. The Generic one will not. But that also means you have to use the escaped characters \CR\LF for the completion of every command with the generic translator. But I think that should work.

Dan Bays
Software Authority, Inc.
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Post by wgabel »

Hi Dan,

I was using the 'Software Authority Type' protocol translator first and now I switched over to the 'Generic translator'. This one works the same way but without sending the Carriage Return itself. :lol:
That work, thanks to give advice Dan...

Can I ask you one more question?! Seems I can get realizable everything I want to do but expect to show the entered phone number on the soft panel.
I didn't find any way to display the pressed digit on the soft panel. I mean pressing button '1' a field on the software panel should display '1'. After pressing button '4' the same field now should display '14'; and so on.
At the moment I can read back the dialed number from the hybrid but only when the number is dialed already. It will be great if the user can see the number he WANT to dial when he enter the number.

I guess this is not possible now, right? Or do you have any good idea to get this running? :roll:


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Post by DanBays »

At this point in time, this is not easy to do. It requires the ability to assign the values of a memory location to a label without knowing what those values are. At this point in time, that is not possible with stack events. It would require a custom script instead. We have had a number of people request similar kinds of functionality, so let us think on it a while and see whether it is a feature we should add.
Dan Bays
Software Authority, Inc.
Commercial Recording Studios, Inc.

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