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PathfinderPcMini and MeterFader

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 6:39 am
by djchristos
Hi guys,

I am using the PathfinderPcMini on a touchscreen with the Meterfader control to control a small on-screen mixer. It looks very cool, and fader works very well except the slider is hard to grab. Is there any way the fader can be made larger, like the slider in the vmixcontrol application?

I have another problem too. The meter is responding about twice every second. Is there a way to increase the update rate to make the meter movement more fluid?


Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 12:03 am
by DanBays
There is no way currently to change the fader size, but that is an interesting idea. We will add that to our feature request list.

Are you mapping the meterfader to a node IO or an engine IO? We find the meter response times are much better with Engine resources than node resources at this point in time. We have a few possible changes to the metering stuff in the works which also may help - so stay tuned.

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 3:42 pm
by djchristos
thanks Dan,

I am looking at engine resources on this project. I have found turning off unused outputs has increased the response time significantly. Hopefully this helps others if they are experiancing the same issue... They're not perfect but much better than an update twice a second!

Looking forward to the next version if the meters make the cut :)
