Panel that indicates Mic on or Off

What can you do with Pathfinder?

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Panel that indicates Mic on or Off

Post by tstuart »

I have a "Monitoring" panel built that allows me to select any air feed, program feed, or individual MIc feed and have it play out on a set of monitoring speakers in my office.
Is there a way to have the Mic buttons indicate when the Mics are actually on?
All my existing buttons do is cause a route change, sending the requested audio to my monitoring setup. But I have no way to easily tell if the Mic channel I want to monitor is on at that time or not.
Currently when I click the button it turns from grey to yellow indicating that it's the channel I'm activly monitoring. But if there was also a status indicator that would cause the mic buttons to flash red that would be perfect.
Even if it can't be done with the buttons is there a way to build a status indicator, I could just re-design the panel to put the indicator lamps beside each channel I want them for.

Posts: 11
Joined: Fri May 20, 2011 9:47 pm
Location: Edmonton, AB

Figured it out...

Post by tstuart »

I found a way to do what I was looking for. In-case anyone else is trying to do this I thought I'd post about it.
The problem I was having it trying to use Panel designer to program the buttons or labels to flash when channels are on. It's possible that this can be done, but I didn't figure that out.

In my studios we have Mica arms with an On-air light on each MIC. This light is turned on and off by pathfinder.
I went into the pathfinder stacking event that controls the boom lights and added another action. All the action does is flash the MIC button I have.

Now I'll know when a MIC is live and using the panel can click on that live MIC to monitor the audio. This allows me to work on Mic processing in my office, rather than while hover over the personalities...

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