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Change Meter Source/Dest

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 12:54 am
by cjohnson
Can the Source/Dest Router Number or IO number on a meter or button be changed from a stacking event or script?

I cannot find any way to dynamically change a meter from once source to another.

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 10:35 pm
by AXIA_milos
The information is stored in an XML file. I can't think of any available functions that would allow to do what you want. Please share the functionality you are wishing to achieve (a case example is helpful). Maybe it can be added as a feature request.

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 3:25 am
by cjohnson
The case would be I am building a monitoring panel for our 6 stations, and it includes the entire audio chain. Similar to the WSUM panel that was built and displayed on the Pathfinder page.

As sat feeds change I am changing the label to list what feed is currently active, and have a label that indicates the presence of audio, but would like to have a meter to see if that audio is actual audio, or just a tone.

The ability to change any or nearly any of the properties of buttons/labels/meters and the clock would be fantastic. Ability to change background images, font, font size, font color, current state instead of just change of state for vmix and profile. Those are all the things that I would have used so far if I could have.

Could those properties be edited directly in the xml by say a VB script?