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Thoughts on Switching Between Studios

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 9:02 am
by Andrew_KOOP
Howdy all!

I'm glad this forum is up and running. I think it can be a cool way to swap ideas, maybe even code, to make some really cool things happen.

So we are about to bring up a second studio. Most of the time our studios will be operating independently, with one of the two on the air and the other doing preproduction, training, etc.

Occasionally - like once a day - we'll probably have them configured so one studio is acting as a control room and the other studio is acting as, well, a studio. This will help facilitate the constant stream of bands that come in for live performances, allow for some really complicated talk shows, etc.

Our plan is to define a set of variables in Pathfinder to track the active studio. We'd then key off of those variables to route the correct studio to the air chain, route EAS interrupts to the active studio only, etc. We seem to have a lot of little power outages, so we're going to have a set of stack events that run with Pathfinder launches that check which source is actually routed to air in the node which feeds the top of the airchain. The plan is that this could reset the variables to the correct state if we lost power.

The plan is for a give/take mechanism to transfer studios - where the active studio would need to enable a 'give' button on their console. This would enable (and illuminate) a 'take' button on the studio in the other console and allow the studio to switch. Currently we are just planning a hard route change - although the idea of using a VMIXer to do a smooth fade has been kicked around. The idea of using a fader on the console which is taking control to fade out the previous studio is also being kicked around.

Anyway, we're certainly not the first people to go down this road and I'd be interested in learning from the experiences of others and whatever cool applications people have come up with. Our goal is to figure out the best way to use these tools / toys to unleash the creativity of our programmers.



Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 7:11 pm
by DanBays
This can certainly be done with some creative stack events. However, I believe we also created a custom set of stack events and scripts which were very similar to what you are trying to do here, and would probably be able to be modified slightly to accomplish your goal more elegantly.

Feel free to contact us at

and we can discuss the details.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 9:13 pm
by nickditlov
We have a setup at one of our clients' facilities of two similar control rooms working by turns and 2 studios that can be shared among them. Almost the same approach: using 1 CR on air and the second one as a reserve, or for production or for maintenance.

We are switching them using stack events engine and Element user buttons modules installed in the Element surfaces (these modules have backlit keys - you can configure color of every key individually and this provides indication for operator which could be set via stack events as well). When they need to change e.g. from CR1 to CR2 they hit a specially assigned key on Element 2 user button module (in fact - 2 keys simultaneously - for security reasons, protection from accidental action). Of course there are some more qualifiers that allow doing so... Stack event actions include transmitter feed switch over (switch route - destination of Audio Node feeding transmitter), Element Show profile change (they need to reset Show Profile of Element of the CR1 that was active previously in order to provide access to Element in CR2 to the sources of the shared studios), switch off the key backlit lamp of inactive Element CR1, switch on the key backlit lamp on active Element etc - depends on the creativity and needs of the studio personnel.

Sure, switch over must take place at a certain moment (not in the middle of commercial :wink: ), e.g. on a music bed etc. Requires some discipline of the personnel. A lot of things to be taken off.....

Pix from their installation could be seen on this forum.

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:33 pm
by Andy Linton
Here's what I'd like to do:

We have three studios, each has a 5-button film cap module in the Element.

I want to be able to put any or all of the studios to air, so I thought to create a VMIX in one of the engines, with the three PGM1 busses as sources, and 'Transmission' (a node output) as the destination.

So I guess I can just nominate a button to switch the virtual fader on or off.

BUT - that's too dangerous. I want a 2-button sequence - Press 'ARM' button - it lights up - then press 'ON AIR' button - ARM light goes out, ON AIR light comes on.

Same sequence takes that studio off air.

I'd need to be able to cancel an 'ARM' by pressing the ARM button again.

Oh, I want the 'ON AIR' signal to also be available on a GPIO port.

Can you help out with this please? I'm new to Pathfinder and can't see how to do that.




Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 3:35 am
by AXIA_milos

Do you want to use VMIX or do routes? Using VMIX introduces some Gotcha conditions. What if someone left the studio in ON AIR state. In some cases this can be useful, allowing multiple studios at one time to go to the Airchain... but this can also be dangerous. If only one studio should feed the Airchain, then routes would be best. If you want multiple studios to feed Airchain at one time, then VMIX would be the option.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 4:00 am
by Andy Linton
Hi Milos,

Yes I want more than one studio to be able to be live at the same time.

If they leave it live its their problem!




Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:35 am
by AXIA_milos
With little experience with Pathfinder, the task may be a little overwhelming, and for this reason I'm inclined to spend sometime to create a little video to show how I accomplished the task. I will need some time tomorrow to create this and then I will be able to post it.

The basics:
You want to use Stack Events.
Use a single Stack Group for each studio.
Build the buttons in Panel designer and map them to the hardware buttons. (a set of buttons for each console is how I prefer to do it)
The functions used in the stack event will be
-Memory values
-User button properties
-vmix change
-Engine Start

Pressing the ARM button will create a memory value that indicates ARM state (memory values are great to establish states)
A state condition (state ARM) will cause the button to light.
Pressing the ON AIR button and the condition (state) is ARM creates a state of ON AIR (memory value).
The state ON AIR would mean the VMIX channel is ON. Also, being in such a state will illuminate the button.
Pressing the ARM button while in ARM will change the state back to nonARM.

I imagine you get the idea. Because the needed checks and logic required to do as you requested, the logic flow gets messy. This function is so much more than press button - turn on VMIX channel. This function is based on state conditions and the need to check all these states before acting.

Hopefully the information I have provided here will get you started on looking up some items in the Pathfinder manual and get the wheels turning. Tomorrow I should be able to provide more details.

the below link is a fast video I produced to show the function in action.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 12:25 pm
by Andy Linton
That's exactly the action In want Milos, thanks. Look fwd to the instruction video!



Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 11:29 pm
by Andy Linton
Milos, I'm looking forward to seeing that. Slight addition - I'd like a button to be available in all three studios that will allow a 4th source to be switched in.

Will I need Pathfinder Pro for this?



Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 12:03 am
by AXIA_milos
Sorry for the delay, I've been delayed as well as having tech problems with the video. I've uploaded a version but the compression applied by youTube made all the text nonReadable... I also had a version refused because it was too long... I'm still working on it... the 4th button is possible as well... just create the function and duplicate it three times with reference to different button.

New version (slightly better image) (Oct-6)

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 1:14 am
by AXIA_milos
Andy Linton wrote: Will I need Pathfinder Pro for this?

:cry: Yes, you will need PathFinder PRO.

PF Pro includes VMIX.

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 3:28 am
by Andy Linton
Thanks for this, looks good, but as you say pity about the definition of the video.

I'll be at the client's place on Wednesday so I might have a go at it then.



Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 6:14 am
by AXIA_milos

New version with slightly better images... and included 4th source. I know my time limit now... so I need to make a Part-2 which included the 4th source. But you can see it work in the video.

It is more of a video on how to build the logic flow and less on the detailed steps... which I believe the PF manual can fill in those details. ... 8-2008.pdf

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 7:22 am
by AXIA_milos

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 4:59 am
by ReganFick
Couldn't you switch between studios with an ethernet connection to one studio switch and load the profile from one studios console on another?