Node Destinations.... "From source" & "To

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Node Destinations.... "From source" & "To

Post by AXIA_milos »

A question that was asked during support today...
I'm a little confused about the Destination types. What is the difference between From Source and To Source.

What mode do we want to select when we are feeding a talent mic that will have a backfeed and talkback to the talent? What about to a codec?
is the seed for this topic....

In the Destination portion of a node (Audio outputs), in the configuration are the options to select a mode of "From source" (the default) or "To source". There are other options introduced in Node version 2.5.2g, but for the purpose of this, I will explain these two basic options.

"From source" indicates that you are taking the audio "from" a source and you declare which source. The second column is where a Livewire channel ID is placed. You may either manually enter in a channel number... or use the "more user friendly" method of using the search button to browse the available sources on the network and then select one. This information than populates to the field. The "From source" option is the default... since typically most functions are basic Routing and basic routing is taking audio from a source and having this audio output out (Destination).

The "to source" option applies to backfeeds. A backfeed is a term used to describe audio that is meant to return to a source... as in a codec mix-minus or dedicated headphone feed. Backfeeds are generated through a studio... ie a control surface and its DSP-Engine. The control surface would define the type or backfeed and the DSP-Engine is behind the creation of this audio (the generator of a mix-minus or headphone feed). A backfeed is identified by the same Livewire channel number as the source it is intended for. So by placing the same number in the field but selecting the "To source" option would select the backfeed... not the source.

Or also... if using the "user friendly" method. When browsing all available sources on the network... this same listing will also show backfeeds... if they are active. Backfeeds are dynamically generated (when they are assigned to a fader). If you were to select one of these backfeeds, the channel number would be entered into the desired field as well as the "To source" option would be selected.

Don't forget, backfeeds are dynamically generated. So if the source is not loaded to a surface, then the DSP-Engine will not generate the backfeed, thus the backfeed is not on the network and wouldn't show up in the listing of sources when you press the source button on the Destination page. Yet, you can still use the manual method of designating the Backfeed as described above.
Last edited by AXIA_milos on Thu Feb 18, 2010 1:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by AXIA_milos »

What mode do we want to select when we are feeding a talent mic that will have a backfeed and talkback to the talent? What about to a codec?
If you were doing it the manual way? You would type the the Livewire Channel number, then select the "To source" option.

If you were doing it the user friendly method, you would make sure the the codec or talent mic was on a surface (so the DSP-Engine will generate the backfeed) and select from the list of sources.... "TO:[deviceNameHere]@[DSP-Engine_name]".. the rest will be done for you.

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to Source

Post by rhinorod »

I am planing on setting up a Studio with several Mics that would be controlled from 2 or 3 separate control rooms at different times. Does the to source and talkback continue to function properly?


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Post by AXIA_milos »

If you are using Element consoles in the control rooms, yes, this would work. If using a QOR based surface, those surfaces do not generate a backfeed for mic sources.

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