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Fat Audio Cables

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 4:43 am
by dremund
I've been building studios for decades. All of them had fat bunches of audio cables to connect the studios to the technical hub.

Now that I am preparing to build my first studios using a Livewire audio network, I find myself fighting the urge to buy a bunch of fat audio cable and installing rows of punch blocks. It's probably some kind of symtom of fat audio cable withdrawl, so I guess I am looking for reassurance from someone who has been down this road before me.

Other than the Livewire and other network cables, since I am using GPIO and Audio nodes in each studio... What should I install in the way of old fashioned 12-pair audio cable?????

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 6:28 pm
by SEP
You're not alone in your "I've got to run audio trunks to build a studio" syndrome. Fear not, have faith, I'm currently wiring up my 7th Axia studio and have yet to have the need for any audio trunks. Once any source is wired into the Axia infrastructure (any node, anywhere) it is available on any node anywhere or on any Element console. One of my co-workers thought they'd help me get a jump on the studio wiring and ran in some fat audio trunks, all they've been good for is getting in my way.

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:43 pm
by dremund
SEP wrote: ...all they've been good for is getting in my way.
:lol: Well, so far I have been able to resist the urge.