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Same GPIO port for different functions?

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 9:50 pm
by Andy Linton
Hi all,

I've got a display board in the studios with 'ON AIR', 'MIC LIVE' and 'PHONE' lights.

On Air will be controlled by Pathfinder, so indicate that a particular studio is routed to air; Mic Live is controlled by the CR Mon, Phone will be triggered by the NX-12.

So- do I need to tie up three separate GPIO ports to control this? Or is there any way to get one port to do it?



Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 5:50 am
by AXIA_milos
The best method to create a closure to trigger that there is a live mic ON in a studio is to configure a port for CR monitor ( ... 092007.pdf). This will trigger the first GPO. From the chart in Chapter-3 of the Element manual, it can be noted that the 4th GPO is not used and Pathfinder could be used to trigger this GPO for cases where the studio is routed to the Airchain. As for Nx12, I don't recall that there is any line indicator closures. Telos support should be able to say for sure. I do believe that IP based GPIO is in the works though for the Nx12.

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 6:14 am
by AXIA_milos
In Regards to the subject of this topic, same port for different functions. When you assign a port to a channel number, all pins will follow the designated function as defined by the various tables in Chapter-3 of the Element manual (which can be found at As seen by those tables, most of all pins have a designated function. Now one can not assign multiple channel numbers to a port. Only a single channel per port.
You do not need to assign a channel number to a port. You can have Pathfinder open and close the GPO pins, if you so desire, and create the needed logic within Pathfinder Stack Events.
For example, in the case presented above, when a studio is routed to the airchain, this is a qualifer of PGM1 routed to *Airchain*, which could cause a GPO to go LOW. The other needed logic needs to be built also which creates the pin to go HIGH also (don't forget all the needed logic and checks!). As for a live mic, Pathfinder could monitor for when mic channels are ON, but if you have multiple mics, this can become a large logic flow that needs to be built. The best and easiest method is to use the built in Logic of the Element which is in the CR monitor (Chapter-3 of Manual). Nx12 GPIO, per the manual that I found on the Telos web site, shows that it does indeed provide closures for ring status, but this -currenlty- only is available on the GPIO port of the Nx12 itself. This could be wired into a GPIO port of Axia and routed to any other port. If you create a port that has multiple functions per pin, then you never know what is actually triggering the pin.

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 10:09 pm
by Andy Linton
Yes I have the CR Mon switching the red light on already, using GPIO 1 of the element PSU.

So are you saying that Pathfinder could switch the 4th GPO in this port?

Its a pity the NX-12 doesn't support IP-GPIOs. I guess I'd have to connect the GPIO port of the NX12 to a nearby Axia GPIO port, then use that input to trigger another GPO!


AXIA_milos wrote:The best method to create a closure to trigger that there is a live mic ON in a studio is to configure a port for CR monitor ( ... 092007.pdf). This will trigger the first GPO. From the chart in Chapter-3 of the Element manual, it can be noted that the 4th GPO is not used and Pathfinder could be used to trigger this GPO for cases where the studio is routed to the Airchain. As for Nx12, I don't recall that there is any line indicator closures. Telos support should be able to say for sure. I do believe that IP based GPIO is in the works though for the Nx12.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 4:33 am
by AXIA_milos
Andy Linton wrote:So are you saying that Pathfinder could switch the 4th GPO in this port?

Its a pity the NX-12 doesn't support IP-GPIOs. I guess I'd have to connect the GPIO port of the NX12 to a nearby Axia GPIO port, then use that input to trigger another GPO!
Yes, Pathfinder can do this. (trigger 4th GPO)
Yes, it is a pity and I agree some sort of GPIO would be nice. The current release version does not support this. The development team has discussed it and what comes out of these discussion will hopefully show up in a major software release down the road. You can wire the GPIO port of the Nx12 to a GPIO Node and then route this to as many GPIO ports in your facility as you want. You could also have pathfidner monitor if the GPI goes active and then have it trigger any GPO you wanted. The issue is that the GPIO-1 port on your Element PSU is assigned a function. The function is CR monitor. With that comes logic that will activate GPO2 -when the monitors are dimmed; activate GPO3 -when something is in Preview; activate GPO5 -when a source is attempting to "talk" the Control Room.

You are more than welcome to have Pathfinder trigger one of these three GPOs based on a qualifier, but you risk providing an opportunity for false indication.


Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 1:52 pm
by vitouso
BTW, Nx12 GPIO control ower Livewire this was promissed to us while ago by Axia and never realized.
Also for feature it would be nice on Axia consoles have posibility to define not only whole GPIO port (with 5 inputs and outputs) to one function, but also separated single Inputs and Outputs as option. This would give users much more flexibility by using really 40 usefull inputs and outputs. It could also simlify cable connections in some cases and enable you to connect more devices. For example now, if you use CR ON AIR light as well as Studio ON AIR light, you use 2 ports instead it would easily fit to one port. If you need separated ON AIR light for 3 microphones, you already take 5 ports while it would still fit to one only.

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 4:08 pm
by Andy Linton
I agree with this point. It can be done now though if you have PAthfinder.

I got a firnmware update for the Nx12 the other day, it does have a field to select Rear Ports or Livewire for the GPIO;

I don't yet know whether this works, what it does or if its fully implemented.


Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 4:07 am
by AXIA_milos
I'm inquiring with Telos support about the Nx12 GPIO-to-Livewire implementation.
As for the isolated GPIO pins, how would you suggest such an interface be designed?

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 2:32 am
by AXIA_milos
The Nx12 will have two LW GPIO channels associated with it.