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Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:10 am
by AXIA_milos
Setting up an ON AIR LIGHT.

Select the Shows link.
Under the "Monitor Section", there is a text field for Logic Port. Find the text field for CR monitor (not Studio Monitor). Enter a unique number in the text field (example, 999).
Select the OK button.
Select the GPIO link.
In the desired port, select Livewire in the drop down menu. In the Livewire Channel field, enter in the unique number (example, 999).
Select the APPLY button.
When the CR Monitor mutes, the number 1 output of that port will be active.

Reload the show - when you make changes to a Profile, you are required to load that profile to see the changes.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 12:55 pm
by geko
Works great, thanks!

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 3:07 am
by radiotr
didn't want to waste a livewire output. Already assigned the logic port but wasn2t sure how to assign at the beginning. Thanks for the advice...

Beware of current draw

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 3:05 pm
by SmokChsr
Seeing that the IQ manual lists a maximum current of 20mA or less for the GPO circuits, I made up a simple buffer circuit using a 4069 with a pull up resistor on the input and fed the output over to a 2803 500mA open collector switch to do the actual On Air light switching. In my case the on Air lights are 12V DC LED versions so the 2803 can easily handle the full current & voltage. Thus no need for a relay.

Not knowing what actual device Axia uses for the GPO, I'd definitely wouldn't want to hang a relay directly on it.


Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 2:16 am
by SmokChsr
AXIA_milos wrote:Setting up an ON AIR LIGHT.

Select the Shows link.
Under the "Monitor Section", there is a text field for Logic Port. Find the text field for CR monitor (not Studio Monitor). Enter a unique number in the text field (example, 999).
Here's what I need to be able to get from the GPIO, (PS This is a something that likely should be addressed in future firmware)
Using the m!ka lighted mic booms, the customer wants each one to only light when that mic is on. What I really need is a way to set up a custom GPIO that will allow each CR mike to be assigned to a separate GPO pin on a GPIO port. That shouldn't be that difficult to code in firmware. As of now I see no way to do that. I though I could do it using 3 different (CR has 3 Mikes) GPIO's, but now I'm guessing not.

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:12 pm
by philedmonds
SmokChsr wrote: Here's what I need to be able to get from the GPIO, (PS This is a something that likely should be addressed in future firmware)
Using the m!ka lighted mic booms, the customer wants each one to only light when that mic is on. What I really need is a way to set up a custom GPIO that will allow each CR mike to be assigned to a separate GPO pin on a GPIO port. That shouldn't be that difficult to code in firmware. As of now I see no way to do that. I though I could do it using 3 different (CR has 3 Mikes) GPIO's, but now I'm guessing not.
You can achieve individual Mics channel 'on' logic currently. You'll just need to use three different GPIO ports. On the GPIO page on your QOR configuration you need to assign relevant local source in the "Logic for" column (i.e. Microphone 1/2/3) rather than a Livewire channel.

This follows the model that Axia have used of "one device per GPIO port"

If a "multiple devices linked to one GPIO port" system as you described was implemented this would deviate from this model, not to mention needing an whole level of configuration on the pin out functions. Do you want just 'on' logic, what about the 'off' and 'talk' logic? The permutations are numerous with the downside of producing a great deal of 'plant specific' wiring and matching configuration work needed. Just using three separate GPIO ports would be the way to go.

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 3:05 pm
by SmokChsr
philedmonds wrote: You can achieve individual Mics channel 'on' logic currently. You'll just need to use three different GPIO ports.

This follows the model that Axia have used of "one device per GPIO port"
Yes I did set it up using 3 GPO ports, and it's working nicely. Since this is a QOR16 with only 4 GPIO's you can see why I'm getting nervous wasting 2 more GPIO's simply to turn on a light.

As for violating the model, I'm now using 3 GPIO ports for one device "The Light switcher" which would also seem to violate the model.

Ta save my 4th GPIO for future expansion, I did design in a "or" circuit in the light switch box to operate the ON AIR light if any of the Mic's are on.