Question about console EQ

Talk about Element audio consoles.

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Shakey Jake
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Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2007 5:49 am

Question about console EQ

Post by Shakey Jake »

Hello Axians,

I've been researching audio over ethernet for a few months and I've heard some conflicting information about how your console handles EQ and dynamics.

Your website seems to say that you can apply a pre-set EQ curve to an input that loads whenever someone takes that input, and also that you can tweak EQ from the console itself. That sounds cool.

But I've heard from other people that you can't have EQ active on too many sources at once because the console will crash. Seems hard to believe - can you shed some light?

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Post by cmac »

Not true. I run dynamic processing (eq, compressing and gating) on quite a few sources and have never had anything like that happen. I have two elements and a smart surface never have had them crash.

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Too much EQ!

Post by Catfish »

Each Axia Mix Engine has sufficient DSP resources onboard to support all the features of the attached surface. If you wish to run EQ and dynamics on every channel, go right ahead. And even if we ran out of resources, which we won't, we certainly would not "crash" the console.

I suspect the source of this rumor-- like others before it-- is not from any Axia client. We have some creative competitors who try desperately to scare broadcasters away from Axia with tall tales.

We always remind broadcasters to consider the source. If another console company is telling you about Axia problems, ask yourself if they might have an agenda. Your best source for factual opinions is from actual Axia clients, some of whom post right here on this forum.

Thanks for writing.
Michael Dosch

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