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Source Profiles

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 3:34 am
by monkeyhouse
If I want to bring up a mic in studio 1 on my board in studio 2, so that someone in studio 1 can be on a show taking place in studio 2, can't I just create a new source on the element in studio 2 for the mic in studio 1? When I try this, I get the x error that I get if I have two of the same sources from the same element open in one studio.

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 4:10 am
by monkeyhouse
Hmm, I think I just had operator selected instead of line, making that change and I no longer get the error. Is this a good way to accomplish this or would it be better to add sources in studio 1's element for studio 2 pgm 1, pgm 2, pgm 3, pgm 4? Seems like you would alot more power this way.

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 11:48 pm
by Andrew_KOOP
Creating a source in studio 2 will work fine - we have sources set up like that which we use when we have a band in 'studio 1' and want to mix from 'studio 2'.

I believe that the x just means that the audio source is assigned to a control somewhere else (ie, studio 1) and that control currently owns any GPIO logic associated with that source. Even though you will see the 'x' you will be able to listen to the audio just fine - you just will not be able to send GPIO commands until the other control relinquishes the source. You can clear this situation by removing the source from the fader on your 'studio 1' console prior to loading that source on the console for 'studio 2'.

We've also used faders with sources set up for the PGM outputs of other studios. That works fine also.

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 5:50 am
by AXIA_milos
I think I just had operator selected instead of line
monkeyhouse, you need to be aware that in source profiles, the source type has very relevant meaning for that local Element in which the source is loaded. Setting a mic profile that is located in a remote studio as operator is defining that mic as the local operator.

You should define the source type as you intend to use it. For example, in the case of this remote Mic, if defined as a CR guest, this source would mute the local monitors, which isn't very useful since the mic is in another room. Ussing source type Studio guest would mute the monitor 2 source, not likely useful either since the monitors in the second studio are not being fed Monitor 2 from Studio 1 but instead Monitor 1 from Studio 2.

If you need more information on which is source type does, these would be explained in detail in the Element manual. Or you can ask on this forum.