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Program Delay Manager from 25-Seven Systems

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 2:27 am
by AXIA_milos
I just started playing with the PDM from 25-7 Systems. Of course it is a delay like any other delay. Yet, it has some features the others don't have. First it is Livewire enabled, which is cool, one RJ45 and your done. The bypass mode when using Livewire could use some changes, but if you experience HD delay already, then it doesn't matter. They have some work still on GPO - it doesn't currently provide status through physical GPIO or Livewire GPIO. I know they had a meeting about this earlier in the week.
What I really like though is it stores two audio clips from the period when the DUMP is engaged. So, Engineer or PD can review what went out and also what shouldn't have gone out. Email is sent when DUMP engaged so all in the need to know can learn that something happened. Also, the unit can be controlled from the web browser of the unit, so even the paranoid PD can run the delay from the office PC. Some other features inside the box too that are not standard in other PGM delay units.

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:49 am
by chrisweiss
We've been running this delay on the air for about a month now. Agreed, the GPO for status would be nice to get working as well. GPI is fine. Also, there seems to be a problem with the source/destination designation on the Axia network. We are not able to control routes to/from the delay in Pathfinder.

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 3:50 am
by AXIA_milos
chrisweiss wrote:Also, there seems to be a problem with the source/destination designation on the Axia network. We are not able to control routes to/from the delay in Pathfinder.
I am able to do this with Pathfinder no problem.
Make sure that the PDM is added into the Pathfinder Database ("Router"). Make sure you enter in the correct password at the end of the edit of the database. If all this was already done on your end, please send a message with details on where/how you are seeing failure so that I can try to simulate the same condition.


Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 6:02 am
by Stephen Wilkinson
With the DSP power in the Engine, would it be possible for Axia to use it as a built in 7sec delay?

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 6:38 am
by AXIA_milos
Stephen Wilkinson wrote:With the DSP power in the Engine, would it be possible for Axia to use it as a built in 7sec delay?
I don't believe there is enough DSP power. Of course there is enough DSP power if a customer is not using all the features of the Engine, but to design too many features for use at once would allow a customer to cause the product not to work at all (if you run out of DSP, the unit can't keep up with scheduled tasks).

The Profanity Delay isn't something to consider lightly. First Axia would need to develop all that goes into a Profanity Delay (Ramp up, ramp down, delay buffer, interface, etc.) and there would need to be the CPU power. The Engine can support many channels (I think the next version of Engine will support over 60). The Engine already does Dynamic audio processing, EQ, basically unlimited mix-minus, and VMIX and VMODE. It is already packed with features. If a customer uses the Engine very aggressively (the max amount of channels, very many processing settings engaged, etc) , it is possible to reach near critical. Giving a customer a Profanity Delay feature on top of all that would surly place the unit above its ability.

Don't think that just providing a delay of 7 sec will be enough. Every other customer will want a longer duration, a better Ramp-up algorithm, an elegant exit curve, etc, etc.

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 7:40 am
by Stephen Wilkinson
Thanks Milos, I take your point.

Maybe it could be offered as an extra box like the X8 and iPort boxes, of course if it is cost effective for Axia to do that.

I bought an Airtools 6100 (unfortunately before the 25/7 was available), it does an OK job in the ramp up area, not as good as my old Eventide, and I was able to get it working nicely through a GPIO port with Axia desk controls even though its tally/switching was neg 5V, LiveWire gpio would have been nice and not to tie up AES I/O.

Thanks as always

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:47 pm
by chrisweiss
We updated to the PDM software yesterday, and now have GPO!!!